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Ok, ok, so you’re insistent on forming those new years resolutions.

Good for you.

I would always encourage new visions and strategy for the future. Of course. After all, I’m a coach 😉

But how do you get it right?

How do you ensure that you stick to all the lofty goals imagined?

For starters, don’t make so many of ‘em. It’ll just become all too overwhelming and send you into a state of paralysis.

If you must pick more then one (and I would suggest one and one done well), focus on three alone. The mind loves the power of three.

Then, break ‘em down.

That’s key.

Looking at our goals can seem frightening if we haven’t chunked them into achievable, bit size morsels.

If your aim is to lose 10 kilos by March, then that might seem a bit daunting looked at on its own. If we break that down into 5 kilos by mid Feb and further still, a kilo a week until then… then hey, that seems far more manageable. All of a sudden you’re not aiming for the whopping 10, you’re aiming for just 1. Phew. Relief?

I’d also find 200 reasons (you read it right), to achieve this goal. What is that going to give you? What are the knock on effects? How does this seep out into other areas of your life?

For example, if I lose 10 kilos it will help me sleep better, have more energy during the day to play with my children, give those children a sense that I’m there for them and engaged more etc etc etc

I would never of thought of 200 on my own – that’s a Dr DeMartiniism. But there’s a reason he’s one of the world’s most successful human behaviour specialists.

What else?

Oh, ensure you’re living your goals NOW.

We all have a tendency to live in the future, constantly striving for the thing that always seems far off in the distance. Any good coach would tell you that when you’re fashioning your goals, state them as if they’re happening now. For example, it is March 31st and I am 10 kilos lighter, feeling magnificent.

That’s present tense language. BUT, and here’s the clincher, you’ve got to live it as though you’re that way every day, in that moment. As Marie Forleo says, in the ‘isness’ is the business – bring you’re A game to right now and stop holding on to a day that’s seemingly far away. All you’ve got is now. This very moment. Feel that you are 10 kilos lighter, right now. Live as though you’re 10 kilos lighter, right now. How do people who are 10 kilos lighter live right now? They pump out that 5km run OR 90 minute hot yoga session, that’s what they do. (Replace with your own personal goal here.)

Phew. I hope that’s enough to keep you going for now. (Right NOW.)

Hope the first full week of the New Year is being marvellous for you.

With love


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And yes, I made up the word ‘resoluting’.