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I posted this quote last week and it has inspired this week’s blogs;

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

And I just this morning saw a post by Brendon Burchard which said, “sometimes the busy work that we have isn’t our life’s work.”

This made me think back to my days in corporate land. I wore busyness like a badge. And it did become my mantra. ‘Oh, I’m just so busy.’ (Usually followed by a sigh.)


Busy doing what?

Busy proving to the world that I was someone important enough to be busy?

Pffft again.

Busy usually means we have no time for ourselves, no real time for the ones that matter and no real space for creating something different and new. Busy is the excuse we use for not facing our real selves or taking the time to appreciate what’s in the present moment. We get lost in ticking the box or looking to what’s next rather than experiencing now for all the juice that it has to offer.

A colleague asked me the other day, ‘How are you? Are you busy?’ And I truthfully responded, ‘Not right now. I try not to make myself busy anymore.’

She didn’t know quite what to say back. I’m sure she was expecting me to say yes, the automatic response.

But I’m not on autopilot anymore. And I’ve realised ‘busyness’ isn’t a good thing. It’s not my aim. Is it yours?

With love


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