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I have something to say!

And so do you. We all do.

We all have a special message to share with the world. A message made up of all our talents, experiences, memories, life’s lessons learned and just our all-round specialness. A message that is just bursting at the seams to be heard and if not shared is a complete and utter denial to – no, TRAVESTY for – the people who really need to hear it. The problem is we overshadow this message with Tom Foolery. Tom Foolery, also known as ego, negative thoughts, self- doubt and what we think we ‘should’ be doing with our lives, is usually dictated through the head and not the heart.

It’s only when we divorce ourselves from the Tom Foolery that we are able to open ourselves up to the message that we must share.

Tom Foolery can get *?!*?!, I say.

Perhaps you’ve heard this all before.

Have you thought that there’s a reason why you’re hearing it again? Perhaps this message needs to sink in.

Who are you not to share your gifts with the world? Isn’t it selfish to keep them to yourself?

By the way, you actually already know what your gift is. All you need to do is listen, truly listen to yourself. (I’ll tell you my experience of that next time.)

Tell Tom Foolery to take a hike, just for a day, so you can listen to yourself ‘heart’. (See what I did there? ;))

An easy way to get started is to create the space and time for yourself to sit quietly and then, simply, put your hand on your heart, breathe deeply and ask, “What is my message?”

I’m curious to hear what your heart is telling you!

With love