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One of the fascinating theories I’ve learned as a coach is Tony Robbins’ 6 Core Human Needs. As a living breathing human with a soul, according to Tony, we crave certainty, uncertainty, love, significance, growth and contribution.

The last two cannot be met unresourcefully. If you’re growing or contributing – you’re guaranteed to be doing this in productive, effective and resourceful ways.

However, if you’re seeking certainty, uncertainty, love or significance there are ways to do this both resourcefully or healthily OR unresourcefully or unhealthily.

For example, if you’re seeking love, you can certainly satisfy this need quickly and easily by sleeping with the first person that will say yes to you in that bar (unresourceful)… OR, you can seek a partner who meets your values, respects you and works with you to create a beautiful life together (resourceful).

Something I realised recently was my real need to meet certainty.

Really, who could blame me? Running a business is uncertain. Couple that with the waves I’ve experienced in the last few weeks and I’ve got a burning desire to lock stuff in, bed stuff down or simply be comforted by what’s known.

And what I know is a good sex n the city or friends episode.  It’s like reading you favourite book again and again. You know what’s coming. You know what parts give you giggles and what parts jerk your tears. You’re acutely aware of exactly what you’re in for.

But, at what cost?

Seriously, how many other books are there out there to read? What else could I be doing with my time other then watching a re-run or two (or three on a bad day)?

I get why and I forgive myself.

But is it time to employ certainty in a more resourceful fashion?

Is it even better to embrace uncertainty and realise it for all its richness?

As Deepak Chopra says, “there is wisdom in uncertainty – it opens a door to the unknown, and only from the unknown can life be renewedconstantly.”

Mapping a future is all well and good… but it’s in the unknown and the questions that we must enjoy ourselves within.

With love


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