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I’ve already shared with you just how I feel about goals. I’ll always say that they are necessary to have (because the very intention gives us clarity about what we want)… but, there are other things that go with them. Last time I spoke of the vision and feeling that they needed.

Here’s the other thing that we need – a system.

Your goals mean nothing if you don’t have a solid discipline and devoted practice to get you there.

For example, when I started this blog I intended to write every Monday and Thursday for the next year. We are now 16 weeks in and I have written over 11,500 words. 11,500 words! It was actually not my goal to write 11,500 words. It was my goal to share my knowledge and information with the world in the hopes that it would inspire, instruct and monetise itself.

The added bonus is that this system that I have in place has seen me write a quarter of a book.

A quarter of a book!

Just with that one act of discipline and devotion, I now have other possibilities.

So here’s what you need to do;

  • Get clarity on your vision
  • Decide the steps that are needed to get there
  • Employ a consistent act (your system) that will see you get there. NB: this will also involve you giving up some of your time
  • And be open to other possibilities along the way!

What system, devotion or consistent action is opening up your possibilities? I’d love to hear about them! You could be helping out our community by sharing in the comments below.

With love


PS. If you like what I have to say or think someone else could benefit from this humble little blurb, feel free to ‘like it’ or ‘share it’.

PPS. 11,847 😉