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Fear, there it is again.

I’ve spoken about fear before. I’d like to talk about it again, if I may? As much to remind myself as to remind you *wink*

See, when you decide that you’re going to do something that you so obviously haven’t done before (be it a new hobby, a new career, a new way of being), in pops fear to sabotage your progress.

Why? Why does this happen?!

Well, fear is actually trying to do you a favour. Fear is actually being a good little being in that it is trying to protect you. The only thing is, we’re not living in the era of saber tooth tigers any longer.

Let me explain.

We have this little part of us – the amygdala – that fires off when it perceives that we’re in danger. It is active in the reptilian part of our brain.

When we humans were hunter gatherers, this amygdala would serve us during times of threat – for eg, if we were faced with the saber tooth tiger competing for our food. It pushes us into the fight, flight or freeze responses. Highly useful in those days, highly useful now if we’re faced with lions, tigers and bears, highly defunct if we’re faced with stepping out of our comfort zones.

Just how do we distinguish between the saber tooth tiger or plain old risk? Ask yourself this; Is your life actually threatened, are you fighting for survival, are you in immediate and apparent danger OR are you simply faced with the unknown and the irrational ‘what ifs’ that may not even occur?

Next time you’re faced with a new somethin’ somethin’, perhaps ask yourself the above and then… Well, it’s up to you to take just one step towards greatness.

With love


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PPS. Another little known fact – the brain cannot distinguish between real or imagined. The amygdala will fire off on a fantasy or a memory. You may be in a state of ‘threat’ over the past or future… except neither of those are happening now. Hmmmm